I Just Don’t Have the Time!

Lack of time is lack of priorities.....right??

How often do you tell yourself that you don’t have time to do certain things? How would you react if I you to challenge that thought with the idea that maybe, that particular thing that you are telling yourself that you don’t have time to do, is not a priority for you right now. If it was, then quite simply you would be doing it.

In our busy modern world it is easy to say that we don't have enough time to do something, but is what we really mean, that we haven't made that particular thing a priority in our life? We all have a certain limited amount of time, and we are continually making choices (sometimes unintentional) about how we use it.

If something is important to us, we tend to find a way to make time for it, even if it means sacrificing something else. On the other hand, if something isn't a priority, we may not make the effort to carve out time for it, even if we think it may be important and we actually have some free time.

How clear are you on your priorities?
How intentional are you in your choice making?
Do you make decisions and choices with certainty and clarity, knowing that these choices feed into your priorities and what is important to you, or do you simply drift from decision to decision without any real intention or connection with what is important, wasting valuable time along the way?

What would it take to be more intentional with your choice making?
Here is a simple tip to get you going.

Instead of saying ‘I don’t have time to do that’ try ‘That is not a priority for me right now’.
Take control. Feel the energy shift. Feel the focus and attention levels rise. Move from helpless mode (I don’t have time for that) to empowerment mode (that is not a priority for me right now).
Now if it is really a priority you will make time for it, if you cannot make time for it day after day, then it has got to be time to ask yourself if it really is a priority for you.

What do you think?
A priorities challenge or a time challenge?

Need some help on how to better manage your time and energy to become a more productive you?

Check out my Life Coaching Programmes Here


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