How connected are your organisation’s employees to its purpose?

I'm seeing it all around me.

In a world where work is now so much more than just a pay check, employees are seeking more meaning, purpose and belonging in their professional journeys.

They need to understand how their contributions fit into the bigger picture, how their efforts make a difference, and how they can truly connect with the purpose that drives the organisation forward. If that purpose isn’t visible, or doesn't feel authentic, they are no longer willing to hang around.

So as a leader or manager within your organisation what can you do to instil a sense of purpose?

There are many actions you can begin to take but here are my top 5.

1. Articulate the organisation's purpose in a way that resonates with employees. Craft a compelling message that tells the story of why the organisation exists, its values, and the positive impact it seeks to create.

2. Communicate this purpose consistently and authentically, ensuring every team member understands how their role contributes to the larger mission. Ensure this purpose and the company’s values are visible around the workplace.

3. Lead by Example: This is vital. Consistently demonstrate how your own work aligns with the shared mission. By leading by example, you inspire others to do the same, creating a culture where the organisation’s purpose slowly becomes woven into every task and action taken.

4. Encourage Collaboration. When employees work together towards a shared purpose, they not only strengthen their sense of belonging but also experience first-hand the collective impact they can make.

5. Autonomy: Lastly having a sense of autonomy and ownership over their work helps employees contribute their uniqueness to the organisation's purpose and fosters a greater sense of belonging and connection to that purpose.

When leaders proactively connect employees with the organisation's purpose, the results are startling. Employees become more engaged, motivated, and committed to their work. They find a deep sense of meaning and fulfilment, leading to increased productivity and positive outcomes for the organisation as a whole. Better still, their need to move on diminishes.


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